- What Games Can You Earn Money
- Earn Money Through Games
- What Games Can I Play To Earn Money
- Games That Help You Earn Real Money
- Games That Can Help You Earn Money Free
Last Updated on April 27, 2021 by
Interested in earning some money while testing new games? You’ve come to the right place because we have prepared a list of apps and sites that can help you. Online Games That Pay You Real Money - 12 Ways to Make Money Playing Games: Real Money Earning Games Dollar Flow. Withdraw your source to your PayPal account, or choose from the 50 plus gift card redemption options that are available on the site. Money can also be Tyat by completing other tasks, such as completing offers and taking surveys.
Do you play games online? I am sure you are. Do you know you can earn money too? Yes, you can but it is not easy as you think. And it is a bit expensive too. There are people who are earning money by playing games online. Play games and earn money.
You can earn real cash by playing games, you can convert simple mobile games into cash games.
Note: Games are made for just fun and you can earn money too but never take the game as seriously. Playing games for a long time can harm you, so I suggest not to spend more than 3 hours a day on the game and try to calm while playing games.
There are many online games that are making thousands of dollars by playing games. Here we explained some best ways that can you get paid to play video games and games.
There are games where you can win real money online by playing games but here you will get paid for playing games online.
1. Start a YouTube Channel
YouTube is the best way to make money for gamers. If you are good at any game then record the game and upload that on YouTube. This can take a bit much more time but it is long term earning resource. Sometimes possibly you can see x10 earning from videos after a year or two from upload day, just because of getting it viral.
Let’s take the example of PUBG. If you are playing 5 games of PUBG in a day then record them and upload the video in which you played well.
You can also add your voice later as commentary so visitors can enjoy them. Or you can collab videos can make one video like “My Best Running HeadShot” this is some strategy to keep updating content on your channel and getting views.
There are three ways to make money from youtube:
- Enable monetization on your youtube channel.
- Promote sponsor product or app or YT channel.
- Superchat, where your viewers can donate to you (for live players).
- Explain your tricks and tips about the game.
If you have some funds to invest then I would suggest you start a youtube channel and promote your channel. You can also hire a youtube expert who can help you to grow your channel.
2. Play and Earn on Live Stream
You can make money by streaming your game on YouTube or Twitch. Twitch is made for gamers and they are good in comparison to youtube in case of doing a live stream. According to a report Twitch streamers are earning more than $30 million or more in a year.
The more subs you have the more money you can make. You can monetize your Twitch channel with ads. To get monetization accessibility you need to have at least 50 subs and a 500 minute watch time.
But it is not as easy as it looks. There are already plenty of good numbers of players who are already established. To make fortune in online streaming you need to have thousands of followers and viewers.
To start earning with the online stream you need to have a decent computer and the best choice of game. You should select the game in which you are best and which most current people love to play and watch.
Check out the equipment which you need to have for the online stream.
3. Become a Writer
If you know most of the things about the game and gaming industry then you should try to be a writer in the gaming genre. You can write articles on existing sites for which you can get paid.
You can write articles as a freelance writer and get paid per article. Write about the game which you love and know most of the things about it.

Games journalism is competitive too as most people love to write on games. But still, you can find a blog or site where you can become a writer. You can start own blog but it will take months or year to make money from it.
4. Start a Blog And Write Guides and Tricks
Every gamer has their own way to play the game and people always love to know the ways through which they can play games and win the game. You can start a blog where you can write about the best methods to play games, guides, and tutorials.
Also, you can mention the best Trick you know about the game which can help people to play games. You can also write eBooks and sell them to your visitors. The best way to gain visitors to your blog that contact Youtuber and ask them to mention your blog where you published your tutorial and tricks.
You can also create a marketplace and sell in games things like points, skins, and costumes.
5. Join The Tournament
You must be very talented in any specific game and must be active so you can know where and when a new tournament is going to host. If you win any tournament then you can win a pretty much amount of money.
You have to fight and defeat world-class players to win the tournament which is not easy or it is? If you or your team win any high-paying tournament then you can win millions of dollars from tournaments.
Here you can check the game stats of every game and player.
6. Get Paid to Test Games
Games are tested in various formats and by various types of people and then it comes in the market. The people who are testing games are not any specific people even you can join and get paid to test games. This is the best for the people who play the games and analyze each and every aspect of the game.
You can join sites like PlayTestCloud, BetaFamily, and ErliBirdand test the games. Most of them are paying $10 for 15 minutes test.
Do gamers make money?
Yes, they do make money online. Read all the above-mentioned methods to start making by yourself.
What games can earn money?
Nowadays, any game can earn money for you you just need to concentrate and play wisely.
Conclusion:- Play games and earn money is a new trend and it is best for gamer lovers. TO play a game and earn money I suggest starting with recording games and add commentary on that and upload videos on the channel. Contact and if you have money then promote your video. And then start your own blog. Now you can earn from both Youtube and Blog. So now play games and earn money.
Do not forget to share the article and follow us on Instagram.

The notion of earning money with gaming is relatively new. Many people think that earning money by playing games can only be achieved through taking part in extremely difficult tournaments and esports championships.

So what can people do to start earning money only by playing games? In this blog we will answer this question and give examples of things you can do to earn money from playing games.
People say: With gaming, you earn either a lot, or nothing
This sentence is false. While being an incredibly good player, you can just wait a couple of days for an invitation to join a team for championships where you can already earn a lot of money pretty much for showing your face. Others who are just good or very good, need to step up themselves first. the Internet is full of websites that offer smaller in size tournaments for various games such as League of Legends, Heartstone or CS:GO. But more on that later.
Here are some ways to make money, apart from participating in esports tournaments:
Set-up shop
If you enjoy playing multiplayer games, why not consider making money out of it?
And while it might force you to do things you are not particularly enjoy, which is “farming gold” or various in-game items, it certainly can get you steady stream of money if you decide to sell it for real money.
(note: selling in-game gold and items may be against TOS of various games, so be wary of that)
As an example, it is worth mentioning that well known game Diablo 3, before the release of the expansion had its own implemented real money auction house system (RMAH).
Humorous thing to say is that many people claimed to be playing not Diablo 3 but “playing RMAH”, because the only thing they were doing in game was sitting on auction house, buying best stuff for small price and selling at at least 10 times its initial price for either in-game money or real money. In case of in-game money it was later resold for real currency.
On the more against TOS note, many people used to buy 5 or even 10 accounts and used bots to play and “farm” the items automatically and then sell it for insane amounts of money – this offense was heavily punishable, but considering that before permanent account(s) ban, players managed to earn at least 50-60 times the worth of the game, it wasn’t really an issue to buy another 5-10 copies of the game to continue where they’ve let go.
When it comes to Diablo 3, the most dedicated RMAH players managed to earn around $100 000. Currently Diablo 3 has no means of legally earn real money in-game. Certain items were worth much more than maximum allowed on RMAH.
You may only imagine, how are those people who paid hundreds of dollars for single item may feel now, that those items aren’t even worth a penny (due to expansion release).
Rick and morty slot review. 20 spins no deposit. Other games where you can earn real cash are Entropia Universe, Team Fortress 2, CS:GO and many many more.
Sell it all
This is more of a one-time deal, however the prices of an entire game account may be massively huge, starting from mere 100$ to even hundreds of thousands of dollars.
If you own an extremely unique character skin, achievement, item that cannot be transferred between accounts, then it is highly possible that you can sell your account for a huge amount of money.
One single ship in EVE online was valued at $5 500, however it most likely took huge amount of time to build up a ship that is worth this much.
Years ago, when gearing up in World of Warcraft was an extremely difficult task to do, accounts of best players were valued at 8 to 18 thousand dollars. Downside to that is that Blizzard is pretty good at detecting sales of such exceptional accounts, which is against their TOS. After release of Wrath of the Lich King expansion, values of accounts started to fall dramatically as gearing up became much easier.
Become an internal game tester
While it does fall into the category of earning money from gaming, in most cases it’s not as fun as you might think
First of all, the games you might be testing may not always be interesting for you, which might end up being like a “normal job” you are not sure you particularly enjoy
While, from time to time you may get to enjoy certain game long before its release, being forced to play through particular gameplay sequence hundred times over might seem like a nightmare, especially if it’s extremely buggy and glitchy.
Another thing is that the bigger the game, the greater the risk. Signing NDA’s in those situations is pretty common, and accidentally spilling out parts of the game to your friends might cost you a lot.
Show the game to others, smile, and earn money

What Games Can You Earn Money
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Live streaming and game recording are on the rise. Showcasing your gameplay with unique attitude may bring wonders. The thing is that people pay for what they enjoy – if they enjoy your gaming content they might pretty much consider donating in order to help your channel grow.
Earn Money Through Games
Additionally, keeping an account on YouTube may allow you to show ads to your viewers so you may earn some money.
It’s hard to provide an average amount of money someone might earn from donations and ads. It all depends on your viewers after all and how much they enjoy your content. You have to realize that your channel is most likely not the only like they keep watching on a daily basis – so you just as well may assume that someone has a better content and your viewer decides to donate to that person.
What Games Can I Play To Earn Money
However, depending on your country, for a monetized channel with possibility to donate and 50 000 subscribers, you may earn somewhere between $216 and $3 500.
If you are looking to record and live stream your videos, be sure to check out our screen recording software Mirillis Action! if you still do not own it.
and of course you can also…
Become a professional esports player
If you want to become extremely popular, but doesn?t really know how to make a great YouTube channel, it will be enough to show up once on the biggest esports championships once and then create a channel on YouTube and everyone will want to see your awesome plays.
But lets stick to the esports alone. The richest gamers are precisely those who take part in those tournaments.
While in 2013 the best players managed to earn ?tens of thousands of dollars? per tournament, nowadays in 2017 those numbers begin to grow to ?millions of dollars?. It is estimated that since esport industry is growing rapidly, players will also start earning much more.
However becoming a professional esports player isn?t easy, and requires insane dedication. If you have job that takes couple of hours a day, you probably won?t have the time to catch up to other players who have to train for 10-13 hours a day to even become close to being competitive.
Keep in mind that each and every method described here brings some sacrifices to your gameplay.
Games That Help You Earn Real Money
Even when you simply stream your gameplay, you will have to somehow adjust your behaviour to your viewers which might already take some fun out of your gameplay. Recording videos takes additional hours from your game-time as you need to prepare, edit, script and render your video – this may take hours out of your free time.
Games That Can Help You Earn Money Free
All in all, if you are motivated, then ?nothing is impossible?